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Can You Use WeChat Public Account Names as Your Business Name? WeChat is one of the most popular social media platforms in China, with over one billion daily active users. Many individuals and businesses use WeChat Public Accounts to share news, updates, and other information with their followers. However, can you legally use your WeChat Public Account name as your business name? The answer is no. WeChat Public Account names are not necessarily unique, and multiple accounts may have the same name. Moreover, the rules for naming a WeChat Public Account are different from the rules for naming a business. While the former may have to follow some restrictions or guidelines, the latter must comply with local laws and regulations. In China, businesses need to register their business names with the local Administration for Industry and Commerce (AIC) or Enterprise Registration Bureau (ERB) to obtain a Business License. The name must be original, not infringe on others' rights or interests, and avoid using sensitive words, such as "State," "China," or "National." Using a WeChat Public Account name as your business name could result in legal issues, such as trademark infringement or unfair competition. It may also lead to confusion among customers and negatively affect your brand image. Therefore, it is always recommended to choose a unique business name and register it properly. You can still use your WeChat Public Account to promote your brand and reach a wider audience, but make sure to distinguish it from your official business name. In conclusion, while WeChat Public Accounts provide a useful platform for businesses to connect with their customers, they cannot be used as a substitute for a proper business name. Ensure that you comply with local laws and regulations when choosing a business name, and avoid any potential legal or reputational risks by making this crucial decision correctly.


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